
2023 Counter-Terrorism Week | CTED participates in side event on aviation security and counter-terrorism

Participants in the side event on aviation security, held at the United Nations in New York on 23 June 2023


Terrorist threats to civil aviation are growing in complexity, with new modus operandi and a broader range of perpetrators. Terrorist groups continue to perceive attacks against international civil aviation as an effective way to cause substantial loss of life, economic damage, and disruption. Considering the global and interconnected nature of the international civil aviation industry, Member States of all regions are potentially vulnerable to such attacks. To discuss how civil aviation can contribute to the prevention and response to the evolving global terrorism landscape, including new and emerging threats, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED), and the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) co-organized a side event on this theme during United Nations Counter-Terrorism Week.

“New and emerging threats are a reality that we must address together in a coordinated and coherent manner. Under CTED’s lead, together with ICAO and UNOCT, we are cooperating on the development of non-binding guiding principles on threats posed by terrorist and criminal use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) following the Committee's adoption of the Delhi Declaration,” said Ms. Natalia Gherman, Assistant Secretary-General and Executive Director of CTED.

UAS have already been used for illegal activities, such as drug trafficking and smuggling, and pose growing threats considering their possible links to terrorist activities.

“States should conduct systematic and sector specific risk assessments to keep pace with the fast changes in the security environment, respond to new and evolving threats, and in ensuring that resources are directed to mitigate the risks in areas where vulnerabilities exist,” said Anne-Marie Seesmaa, Legal Officer with CTED.

In his remarks, the Secretary General of ICAO Mr. Juan Carlos Salazar highlighted the importance of cooperation amongst aviation security authorities and counter-terrorism agencies to put in place effective and sustainable security measures for aviation security, border security, and cybersecurity to protect aviation against terrorist attacks.

Mr. Vladimir Voronkov, Under-Secretary-General of UNOCT, commended the collective presence of ICAO, CTED, and OCT that illustrated the shared commitment to an ‘All-of-UN’ approach to promoting a safe and secure civil aviation sector.

The side event was held at United Nations headquarters in New York on 23 June 2023.

A Flickr album with photos from the event can be found .

A webcast recording of the proceedings can be accessed .