
GAFILAT briefing to the Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee

On 15 November 2023, Mr. Esteban Fullin, Executive Secretary of the Financial Action Task Force of Latin America (GAFILAT), briefed the United Nations Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC). Mr. Fullin discussed the notable evolution of the counter-financing of terrorism legal framework of Member States in Latin America and recent national risk assessments in the region, in which several good practices have been identified.

The briefing also highlighted the strong partnership between GAFILAT, the CTC and its Executive Directorate (CTED), including GAFILAT’s participation in the CTC assessment visit to Ecuador in October 2023. Having GAFILAT as part of the delegation, facilitated syncing the Committee’s assessment with the FATF and FATF-Style regional bodies (FSRBs) mutual evaluations.

In his intervention, Mr. Fullin provided an update on the status of the work of GAFILAT, such as the launch of a new software to aid Member States monitoring UN sanctions lists pursuant to Security Council resolutions 1373 (2201) and 1267 (1999).  GAFILAT’s recent publications include Good Practices on Procedures and/or Mechanisms for Domestic Designation or Execution of Third Countries’ Requests in Line with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1373; Guide for the Investigation, Identification, Seizure and Confiscation of Virtual Assets; and Guide for the AML/CFT Regulation of Virtual Assets and Virtual Asset Service Providers in the GAFILAT Region. GAFILAT also has continued to expand its online trainings for practitioners in the region. Future projects include sectoral risk assessments for non-for-profit organizations at the regional level, and for Virtual Assets including their misuse for terrorism financing purposes. 

Following the briefing by GAFILAT, Assistant Secretary-General Ms. Natalia Gherman, Executive Director of CTED, reiterated CTED's appreciation to GAFILAT for its active engagement with the CTC and CTED and the support it provides to the region to promote good practices and contribute to the effective implementation of relevant international obligations to counter-terrorism financing.

Members of the Committee echoed this appreciation and welcomed the briefing provided by GAFILAT, noting that this briefing constituted a good practice in follow-up to the Committee’s country assessments, which other Regional Organizations were encouraged to emulate.