
Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee will hold special meeting in India focused on new and emerging technologies

With the prevalence of technology and the rapid rise in digitization, the use of new and emerging technologies to counter terrorism is a topic of growing interest among Member States, policymakers and researchers, particularly in the context of the increasing role played by technology in terrorism and counter-terrorism. This is addressed by the Security Council in a number of counter-terrorism related resolutions, most recently resolution 2617 (2021), which explicitly cited “emerging technologies”. Mindful of the increasing threat posed by the misuse of new and emerging technologies, the United Nations Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee has decided to hold a Special Meeting on this theme, with the support of its Executive Directorate (CTED).  

The Special Meeting of the United Nations Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee on “Countering the Use of New and Emerging Technologies for Terrorist Purposes” will begin with a soft opening and associated events in Mumbai, India on 28 October 2022 and continue with a full day’s meeting in New Delhi, India on 29 October 2022.

The Special Meeting will specifically focus on three significant areas where emerging technologies are experiencing rapid development, growing use by Member States (including for security and counter-terrorism purposes), and increasing threat of abuse for terrorism purposes, namely (a) the Internet and social media, (b) terrorism financing, and (c) unmanned aerial systems (UAS). It will provide opportunities to discuss existing and evolving threats, the deployment of new and emerging technology to counter those threats, continuing challenges and good practices, as well as a range of related human rights and gender considerations.  

The Special Meeting will be conducted in the six official languages of the United Nations and be open to the wider United Nations membership and other relevant stakeholders, to include United Nations organizations, international and regional organizations, civil society organizations, private-sector entities, and members of CTED’s Global Research Network.  

On behalf of the Counter-Terrorism Committee, CTED would kindly request you to SAVE THE DATE in the respective calendars of relevant officials.  A comprehensive concept note, agendas, and logistics information will follow shortly.  To keep abreast of updates through social media, watch out for #CTCEmergingTech and follow CTED:

Registration for the Special Meeting of the CTC has been extended to 25 October, 2022

More Information here.

Concept Note here.

Agenda here.

Logistics And Technical Information Note here.
