
Virtual Open Briefing of the Counter-Terrorism Committee on “Terrorist threats to civil aviation, the status of implementation of Security Council resolution 2309 (2016), and follow-up to the civil aviation-related provisions of Council resolution 2396 (2

In its resolution 2309 (2016), adopted on 22 September 2016, the Security Council expressed concern that terrorist groups continue to view civil aviation as an attractive target, with the aim of causing substantial loss of life, economic damage and disruption to connectivity between States, and that the risk of terrorist attacks against civil aviation may affect all regions and Member States.

In view of the continuing terrorist and other security threats to international air transport operations and infrastructures, there remains a need to strengthen the political will and engagement of all relevant stakeholders to enhance implementation of resolution 2309 (2016) and other relevant resolutions as well as to strengthen and promote the effective application of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs). Many States are unable to do so because they lack the necessary capacities. Moreover, the level of implementation varies considerably across regions.

The international aviation sector faces a number of new and emerging security risks and threats. The COVID-19 pandemic has heavily impacted the international aviation industry. The use of information technology (IT) for malicious purposes represents a growing global threat. Critical civil aviation infrastructures are vulnerable to potential attacks, including through the use of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) for terrorist purposes.

To address these challenges, the United Nations Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC) will be holding a virtual open briefing on  “Terrorist threats to civil aviation, the status of implementation of Security Council resolution 2309 (2016), and follow-up to the civil aviation-related provisions of Council resolution 2396 (2017)”.

The objective of the virtual open briefing would be to enable the Committee to engage with States and relevant international and regional organizations on the terrorist threat to international civil aviation and also identify ways to strengthen and promote the implementation of international aviation security standards and recommended practices, and international cooperation and assistance opportunities in that regard.

The briefing seeks to address challenges, gaps and vulnerabilities relevant to civil aviation within the counter-terrorism context, as well as policies, instruments and tools developed to effectively manage risks to civil aviation and enhance effective implementation of resolution 2309 (2016) and other relevant resolutions (e.g., resolution 2396 (2017)), including the promotion of an effective and sustainable security culture, including though capacity development and training.

The briefing will also provide updates on recent developments with respect to the relevant international aviation security standards and recommended practices (including the establishment of the ICAO standards and recommended practices for the collection, use, processing and protection of Passenger Name Record (PNR) data and Advance Passenger Information (API) systems in accordance with Council resolution 2396 (2017) and the Security Council Guiding Principles on Foreign Terrorist Fighters: The 2015 Madrid Guiding Principles + 2018 Addendum (S/2015/939 and S/2018/117).

The virtual open briefing will take place on 2 December 2020 from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) via VTC and will be open to Member and Observer States, United Nations staff and interns, UN entities, intergovernmental organizations, and specialized agencies. The event will also be webcasted at .

The concept note of the virtual open briefing is available here.

The agenda of the virtual open briefing is available here.

Additional resources about the Security Council Guiding Principles on Foreign Terrorist Fighters are available .