
Capacity building of LDCs in deep-sea related STI

According to the Least Developed Countries Report 2020 issued by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), LDCs are among the worlds most vulnerable economies, as reflected in the Economic Vulnerability Index (EVI), which indicates that they are 30 per cent more vulnerable than other developing countries and face the risk of being left further behind as the technological gap widens between them and more technologically advanced countries.


The DPoA recognizes the UN Technology Bank for the Least Developed Countries as the focal point for the LDCs in the field of science, technology and innovation including as it related to capacity building and invites Member States and international organizations to provide voluntary financial and in- kind contributions on enhancing capacity and effectiveness.

According to UNCLOS, the International Seabed Authority (ISA) is mandated to promote the effective participation of developing States having due regard to their special interests and needs, and in particular to the special need of the landlocked and geographically disadvantaged among them to overcome obstacles arising from their disadvantaged location, including remoteness from the Area and difficulty of access to and from it (UNCLOS, Art. 148). ISA is also under the obligation to take measures to promote and encourage the transfer to developing States of technology and scientific knowledge relating to activities in the Area, so that all States parties benefit therefrom (UNCLOS, art.144(1)(b)).  While it is stipulated that ISA must avoid discrimination in the exercise of its powers and functions, special consideration is nevertheless permitted for developing) among them.

It is in this context that the ISA and the UN Technology Bank for Least Developed countries (UN Technology Bank) have decided to partner with a view of conceptualizing, designing and implementing joint activities with a view to build and develop the capacities of LDCs in support of the sustainable development of blue emerging economic sectors. The ISA - UN Technology Bank partnership will particularly focus on two priority areas of the DPoA, namely: (i) investing in people in LDCs: eradicating poverty and building capacity to leave no one behind, and (ii) leveraging the power of science, technology, and innovation to fight against multidimensional vulnerabilities and to achieve the SDGs.