
Technology Transfer Programme

Programmes & Initiatives

The General Assembly resolution 71/251 together with Charter of the Technology Bank reaffirmed the importance of promoting and facilitating the identification and utilization of and access to appropriate technologies by the least developed countries, as well as their transfer to the least developed countries.

Based on the findings and recommendations of Technology Needs Assessments (TNAs), the UN Technology Bank ensures that the support provided through the transfer of technology is tailored to specific areas or sectors where technological solutions will result in meaningful impact. The support that the Technology Bank provides to the LDCs is currently focused in four thematic areas as derived from the 14 TNAs that the Technology Bank has completed to date. These include:

  1. Agriculture and food systems
  2. Environment, climate change and resilience
  3. Health; and
  4. Education and digital skills development

Learn more about our ongoing initiatives and activities below: