
UN Technology Bank - Exploring New Horizons

16 August 2024
Blog by Güne? Aykut Ergüler -United Nations Technology Bank for LDCs

Last week, the UN Technology Bank set off on another productive visit to Ankara, Türkiye. Led by our Managing Director, Deodat Maharaj, we had a packed agenda filled with high-level meetings, each offering a chance to strengthen partnerships and explore new opportunities to support the world’s most vulnerable countries.

Meeting with African Union

We kicked things off at TUBITAK headquarters with a quick meeting between Deodat Maharaj and Prof. Hasan Mandal, who’s not just leading TUBITAK but also heads our own Governing Council at the UN Technology Bank. After a productive catch-up, they teamed up for a key meeting with AUDA-NEPAD, led by the dynamic H.E. Nardos Bekele, CEO of the African Union's Development Agency (NEPAD).  The discussions were all about how we can bring cutting-edge technology to African LDCs. The energy in the room was infectious, and we left feeling inspired by the possibilities and supporting Rising Africa.

In the afternoon, we headed over to meet Paul Zwetsloot from the Netherlands Embassy. The Dutch are famous for beautiful tulips, great artists and their expertise in innovation, water management and sustainable agriculture, and we talked about how these innovations could be game-changers for LDCs. It was a great exchange of ideas, and we’re excited about what’s to come.

Our last stop for the day was with recently the appointed Deputy Minister Ambassador Berris Ekinci. Türkiye’s unique position as a bridge between Asia and Europe makes it a key player in our mission to support LDCs. The conversation was all about leveraging this strategic advantage to push forward with some exciting new initiatives in science, technology, and innovation. Türkiye remains a steadfast friend and supporter of the LDCs.

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            Deputy Minister Ekinci and MD Maharaj                     UN Technology Bank and Turkish MFA Delegations

India’s 78th Independence Day    

The day started with a visit to the Indian Embassy for their 78th Independence Day celebration. India’s rich history and vibrant culture were on full display, and it was a great reminder of their crucial role in South-South cooperation.

India's 78th Independence Day

Later, we met with Cambodia’s Ambassador, Mr. Chea Sok. Cambodia, with its ancient cities and deep history, is one of our client countries. Cambodia was one of the earlier recipients of our support having done our flagship Technology Needs Assessment here previously. We talked about how we can continue to support their development through technology transfer and capacity building.                                     

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Amb. Chea Sok and MD. Deodat Maharaj

In the afternoon, we had a great meeting with Director General Esen Altug at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Türkiye. Türkiye has always been a strong supporter of LDCs, and with its growing tech sector, there’s a lot we can do together to help these countries thrive.

Last but not Least: Canada, Korea, India and China

We kicked off our final day with a meeting with Canada’s Ambassador, Mr. Kevin Hamilton. Canada is known for her beautiful landscapes and top-notch innovation. Our talks focused on how we can tap into Canada’s expertise in digitalization and agriculture to benefit LDCs. Canada has a long track record of working to support developing countries and we are keen to find ways to collaborate.

Next up was a meeting with the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea, Yeondoo Jeong. Korea’s rapid rise as a global tech leader is nothing short of impressive. We explored how we can work together on climate change, water management, and agriculture—areas where Korea’s know-how could make a big difference.