
Beijing+5: 23rd special session of the General Assembly

List of Relevant Reports and Documents

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Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly (final edited version):

A/RES/S-23/2 Political Declaration
A/RES/S-23/3 Further actions and initiatives to implement the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (Outcome Document)

Report of the Ad Hoc Committee of the Whole of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly

-GA Resolution
-CSW agreed conclusions
-PrepCom Documents
-Governments' Responses to the Questionnaire
-National Action Plans
-World Survey on the Role of Women in Development

GA Resolutions
The following GA documents contain the mandates and background for the Special Session:
  • A/RES/53/120
CSW Agreed conclusions on the 12 critical areas of concern
Since 1996, the CSW has been monitoring the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action.  A series of agreed conclusions have been reached on:
PrepCom Documents


Documents before the Session:

"Enabling" resolution adopted:

Governments' Responses to the Secretary-General's questionnaire
In October 1998, the Division for the Advancement of Women (DAW) sent a questionnaire to Governments requesting information on the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action.  As of 18 August 2000, 153 Member States and two Observers have responded.


--Governments' responses

National Action Plans
The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action requested that Governments, in consultation with relevant institutions and non-governmental organizations, develop implementation strategies for the Platform for Action as benchmarks for monitoring progress.

World Survey on the Role of Women in Development
A flagship publication of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs issued every five years, the World Survey has constituted a basic document for the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly in June 2000. Focusing on developing countries, the 76-page report gives a detailed overview of employment and displacement effects of economic trends associated with globalization from a gender point of view. It further discusses the importance of these effects in terms of their influence on women's relative position within the household and the labour markets around the world. Click here for the of the publication.

Statement by Ms. Yakin Ertrk, at the workshop on further actions (October 1999)

Statement by Ms Yakin Ertürk, at the ECE Preparatory Meeting (19-21 January 2000)