
Inter-regional workshop on collecting and using migration-related data for development: Cooperation and exchange in the European-African corridor

Rome, Italy

30 November 2016 to 02 December 2016


The Population Division and the Statistics Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN/DESA), in collaboration with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and members of the Global Migration Group (GMG), are organizing an interregional workshop for African and European countries to strengthen the collection and use of international migration data for development. The workshop will bring together experts from national statistical offices in charge of producing official statistics on international migration as well as experts from relevant ministries or agencies in charge of compiling and analysing migration data from administrative sources.



Organization of work

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

9.30 – 10.00



10.00 – 11.00


Welcome and introductions


  • Welcome remarks

  • Counsellor Luca Zelioli, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

  • Bela Hovy, Haoyi Chen, UN/DESA

  • Ashwani Muthoo, Director of the Global Engagement, Knowledge and Strategy Division, IFAD

  • Bela Hovy, UN/DESA. Introduction, objectives, programme, participant introductions

  • Bela Hovy, UN/DESA. Setting the scene: Global trends


 11.00 – 13.00


International migration and development: Implications for data collection



Objective: To present global, regional and national policy initiatives related to international migration, to discuss their implications for data collection and to identify challenges related to the collection and use of migration-related data.

  • Bela Hovy, UN/DESA. The Sustainable Development Goals and the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants

  • Pedro De Vasconcelos, Manager of the Financing Facility for Remittances, IFAD. Harnessing the contribution of migrants for development: The Addis Ababa Action Agenda

  • Dario Tarchi, Joint Research Centre, European Commission. Data and the external dimension of the EU migration policy: a big challenge

  • Group work, reporting back and discussion: national migration policies and implications for data collection

  • Morocco. Combining different data sources to address key policy questions


11.00 – 13.00


 Improving the collection, analysis and dissemination of census data 



  • Objective: To share experiences on sources of migration data to inform policies and identify best practices in implementing the UN recommendations (population census)

  • Chair: UN/DESA. The 2010 round of population censuses (migrant stocks) 


Country presentations: Census experiences

  • Egypt: census experience, lesson learnt, the way forward

  • Malta: census experience, lesson learnt, the way forward

  • Methodological considerations/discussion

  • Haoyi Chen, UN/DESA


Country presentations: Census experiences and follow-up to the Dakar workshop

  • Tunisia: 2014 census - how questions were asked to capture immigrants and emigrants; are there data on emigration; quality of data; the process of improving the questionnaire design in 2014 from the 2004 census

  • Burkina Faso: census experience, lesson learnt, any plans/activities related to migration after the 2015 Dakar workshop

  • Niger: follow-up Dakar workshop

  • Haoyi Chen, UN/DESA. Methodological considerations/discussion

Thursday, 1 December 2016

10.00 – 13.00


Improving the collection, analysis and dissemination of migration-related data from administrative sources and household surveys



Objective: To share experiences on sources of migration data to inform policies and identify best practices in implementing the UN recommendations (administrative sources) and household surveys

Administrative sources

Country presentations

  • Italy: administrative data and migration routes: data and tools
  • Morocco: administrative sources for migration flows
  • UNHCR: administrative data and migration routes
  • Bela Hovy, UN/DESA. Methodological considerations/discussion


Country presentations

  • Egypt: experience with the MED-HIMS survey on migration; presentation of results; lesson learnt
  • Niger: experience with the national migration survey (ENAMI); presentation of results; lesson learnt
  • Methodological considerations/discussion 
  • Giambattista Cantisani, MEDSTAT Programme, EUROSTAT 


14.30 – 17.30


Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Measuring migration-related indicators 



Objective: To identify migration-related indicators and to develop metadata for measuring these indicators

  • Marzia Rango, IOM. The SDGs: migration-related targets with a particular emphasis on SDG target 10.7 and its potential dimensions

  • Bela Hovy, UN/DESA. Migration policy questions for DESA’s population inquiry


General discussion

  • Bela Hovy, UN/DESA. Develop and review migration-related SDG indicators, assess data sources and discuss challenges

  • Group work, reporting back and discussion

Friday, 2 December 2016

10.00 – 12.30


Promoting regional cooperation, capacity building and data exchange



Objective: To discuss opportunities for regional cooperation, capacity building and data exchange on migration data

  • Nathan Menton, UN/ECE. Exchanging international migration data in the CIS countries

  • IOM Italy: Sandra Paola Alvarez, Project Development Officer, IOM Italy. Data collection & dissemination

  • Haoyi Chen, UN/DESA. Capacity-building and data exchange in the ECOWAS region; IOM/DESA project

  • Bela Hovy, UN/DESA. Evaluation and wrap-up


12.30 – 13.00


Way forward and closing


  • Mr. Jean-Philippe Audinet, Officer in charge of the Policy and Technical Advisory Division, IFAD

  • Bela Hovy, UN/DESA 


Session I. Welcome and introductions

Session II: International migration and development: Implications for data collection

  • Objective: To present global, regional and national policy initiatives related to international migration, to discuss their implications for data collection and to identify challenges related to the collection and use of migration-related data

Session III: Improving the collection, analysis and dissemination of census data

  • Objective: To share experiences on sources of migration data to inform policies and identify best practices in implementing the UN recommendations (population census)


Session IV: Improving the collection, analysis and dissemination of migration-related data from administrative sources and household surveys

  • Objective: To share experiences on sources of migration data to inform policies and identify best practices in implementing the UN recommendations (administrative sources) and household surveys

Administrative sources


Session V: Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Measuring migration-related indicators

  • Objective: To identify migration-related indicators and to develop metadata for measuring these indicators

Session VI: Promoting regional cooperation, capacity building and data exchange

  • Objective: To discuss opportunities for regional cooperation, capacity building and data exchange on migration data